Relocating To New Brighton… My experience and how it impacts me and you.
Published by Hayley Hilton

Relocating To New Brighton… My experience and how it impacts me and you.

by | Dogs, News, Relocation | 4 comments

So why New Brighton?

Short story: The Community! I had never felt part of a group so quickly…

Longer Story: Over the Summer of 2023, i was invited to join a friend at a few Beach Boxing sessions on the seafront on some gorgeous Friday mornings at silly o’clock. Ran by an ex-Professional Thai Boxer, we work up to some punching and kicking sequences to some cheesy music (imagine the Eye of The Tiger at 7am) and then bring in some tai-chi sequences to calm and centre ourselves before coffee. In truth, we probably spend longer having a coffee and a natter than we do exercising but that means our body, mind AND soul all leave happy.

After one morning’s session of connecting with the other members, I felt so calm and content as I looked out over the Mersey. The morning sun was still giving off it’s beautiful colours and I exhaled deeply and thought to myself “i REALLY could live here”. 

Looking back I had felt that thought with every fibre of my being and I since remembered that is the key to the Law of Attraction.

I then carried on walking down the promenade to meet my friend who had moved back to the area a year previously. During our catch-up chat, she told me she was looking for a tenant when her son went back to university in September. I was flabbergasted. But when the huge smile spread across my face, we both realised the Universe had listened and I pretty much snatched her hand off. Call it intuition or call it ADHD impulsivity… either way it just felt RIGHT!. I had always wanted to live by the beach so why wait til I retire?

How did it go?

We decided on a move date of October so a couple of months would be plenty of time to get myself sorted right? Wrong. Combination of ADHD and Perimenopause messing with my brain and energy levels, and a full timetable of pet sitting jobs where i wasn’t even at my own house and then downsizing so certain things like furniture had to be virtually given away and so that added more stress. As well as moving 1 thing to find another 10 things hidden behind it!!! How much “stuff” had i accrued in my time there? (Friends have said this has happened to them when they’ve moved to, so i feel less stupid than i’ve been telling myself!). Thankfully I had friends around me to offer emotional support and give me extra time when i needed it.

I can safely say that now I am moved into my friend’s attic level (I am calling this my penthouse suite coz it’s all about perception isn’t it?), I have everything I need and can hibernate safely with my admin work or TV or a good book when I need (I’m currently reading Taz Thornton’s “Unleash Your Awesome” edition 2… its epic!) whilst listening to the seagulls outside the window. Plus my friend’s dog Vinnie is the best Cockerpoo ever and often greets me with a waggy tail and his toy when i come down the stairs or in from seeing my Massage clients.

How am i marketing my move?

The only thing that worried me was that I had no clients around this local area. But then again, i had very few around the Warrington area after living there 2.5 years. Therefore, i thought it might be the opportunity i need to introduce myself to local Vets and focus my marketing just in this locality rather than spreading myself across Cheshire. My skills are best suited to reducing the pain in more clients rather than spending most of my days in the car.

  • I have been working on leaflets (with my Designer friend Dave Bradburn from Opus Creative) to hand out to dog-friendly businesses in the area but until they are finalised, I have popped in to say hi to a couple of Vets and Groomers in the area and all have been lovely and welcoming. 
  • Plus my Social media team at EXP Blueprint have helped me craft some “New Brighton Introduction” posts and worked on the SEO to get me seen by those who need me.
  • Networking too, i love chatting to Dog Businesses and Dog Owners in every capacity. Just by reading this, you are helping me get the word out about Canine Massage. Actually i just love chatting to anyone interesting so if you have an interesting story that you’d like to share, please get in touch.

But also, if you live in any of the areas of Wirral, i.e. New Brighton, Wallasey, Hoylake, Birkenhead, Greasby, etc and know someone with a dog then I would very much love you to introduce me. Even if their dog is not showing any signs of discomfort yet.

I would rather dog owners know me and not need me, rather than need me and not know me.

What will happen to current customers across Cheshire?

Don’t Worry, I plan to devote Tuesday’s and Thursday’s to travelling across Cheshire to treat those Dogs and Owners who need my services.

…coz Travel begins with a T, as do Tuesday and Thursday… yes that is the extent of my brain these days 😉

My existing clients of all shapes and sizes in Whitegate, Northwich, Knutsford, Warrington and Brown Knowl are still a pleasure for me to treat… so if you are in these areas and want to split Travel costs for me to come to you then I am definitely up for negotiation. 

I am also open to evening appointments and weekend appointments… I know what it’s like (from my time in the Medical Device industry) to work a strict 9-5 and struggle with normal appointment times so please get in touch if this is you. If we can work something to suit both our schedules then it’s #WinFreakinWin.

Am I going to miss Warrington?

Yes of course, having the City Centre on my doorstep was really handy and great for escapism whenever i needed a coffee and a wander. But obviously I can do that anywhere and I have already found a few little shops around Liscard and New Brighton with many being Dog-Friendly (including Tallulah’s Emporium where I met my first Westie-poo and have adopted it as my “local” even though it’s a mile away from where i live. The atmosphere is welcoming to dogs and owners and their Sharing Boards go REALLY well with their House Red!) and I even went to my first ever Wreath Making workshop at Violets Flowers and Gifts… one could say i’m working on my Life-Work Balance so that i have more energy to give my clients.

Plus it ties in nicely because I will always think of my previous house as the place where I found out my Rottweiler (and soul-dog) Lola was terminal (Spleen Tumour that had gone undetected til it burst) and I recently realised there was a lot of grief in my Warrington house. I still love talking about her to EVERYONE i meet because she taught me so much and is responsible for me now working with dogs.

So, I bring Lola with me in my heart and am really optimistic for this new phase in my Life as well as my Clinical Canine Massage Business.


  1. Gill Hornsby

    What a fabulous blog & its so amazing when the stars align to lead you on to your next phase.
    Wishing you lots of happiness in New Brighton.

    • Jackie Cain

      Love love love this blog!
      Well done girlie 🔥💪🔥💪

  2. Kevin Heywood

    Love this blog Hayley. You did what your heart told you. Good luck in your new home. The prom from New Brighton to Leasowe and beyond is a lovely area to walk dogs.

  3. Taz Thornton

    You’ll rock it, ‘Ayley ‘Ilton. So much love for you, lady. Unleash your awesome on the world! Xxxx

    PS: Hope you’re enjoying the book 🥰🥰


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