Published by Hayley Hilton
Leap Around The Living Room Day

Leap Around The Living Room Day

Not only is February the month of Love but this year we have an extra day to spend with our dog too because it's Leap Year! Do you have a dog who leaps on and off furniture as though they are trialling the next level of dog flight to reach the history books alongside...

Mixing Science with The Royal Navy?

Mixing Science with The Royal Navy?

"I could never understand why you wanted to do Logistics in the Royal Navy Reserves when you were a scientist with a degree..." This was said to me by our Logistics Warrant Officer who i'd had the pleasure of personally working with and learning from on a past...

Why I chose the name…

Why I chose the name…

Why I chose the name… Imagine the scene… You’re nearing exam time and you have so much revision to get all this subject matter into your head and yet you still have to find a name for your business for that day when you pass with flying colours (yes, I was optimistic...