Published by Hayley Hilton
Leap Around The Living Room Day

Leap Around The Living Room Day

Not only is February the month of Love but this year we have an extra day to spend with our dog too because it's Leap Year! Do you have a dog who leaps on and off furniture as though they are trialling the next level of dog flight to reach the history books alongside...

How Do I Know If My Dog Has Chronic Pain?

How Do I Know If My Dog Has Chronic Pain?

"But Dogs Can't Tell You They Are In Pain, Can They?" This is a comment I often get from Owners and my answer is always the same… yes they can and they often do. We just need to know what language they are speaking in and not expect them to use English. Whereas 'Acute...

Why Did I Choose Clinical Canine Massage?

Why Did I Choose Clinical Canine Massage?

In truth, it found me. Picture the scene… I’d been struggling to find motivation for years in a laboratory setting whilst testing antiseptic handwashes; feeling at ease whilst I was diluting the products to test them on big machines but because we had to adhere to...

Do I Need To Wash My Dog Before A Clinical Canine Massage?

Do I Need To Wash My Dog Before A Clinical Canine Massage?

Do I need to wash my dog before a clinical canine massage? I personally don’t mind… I didn’t get in this profession to stay clean, I got into it to help reduce pain on dogs. So it’s up to you if you do or don’t… Obviously you wouldn’t leave your dog in a wet muddy...

How Canine Massage can help Rescue dogs

How Canine Massage can help Rescue dogs

Dogs feel pain in many different ways, like us humans, but unlike us they rarely complain about it. This could be due to a survival instinct where they don't want to be seen as weak or else they'll get attacked... or it could just be because they just get on with the...

My Dog isn’t in Pain… they are faking it!

My Dog isn’t in Pain… they are faking it!

I love to educate dog owners on how Canine Massage can help their dog reduce pain and increase comfort but there is none so deaf as those who refuse to listen. During lockdown many of us humans have shown signs of pain after getting up after too long sitting on Zoom...